Friday, June 13, 2008

As the sign says...

I wish this was the sign in our front yard... but not the case. However, there should be a sign in St. Charles, MO that will look like this in a few days because after much looking...and quickly I might add... we did find a house and as of late last night, finally will have a house to move into. It's not our first choice, that got sold while we were there, not our second choice, we were outbid on the same day, but it is in the neighborhood we like and close to shopping, etc. So... our closing date is July 15th and Maggie will start school on July 17th. The elementary schools go year round so Maggie will have a very short summer. Thankfully, she loves school and this will hopefully help her make friends quickly. I haven't broken the news to her yet.... she's at FC camp this week and I wanted her to enjoy that before filling her in on when she goes back to school. Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...
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The Rice Family said...

3-4 YEARS, RIGHT??? :)

The Woolfpack said...

That's what he told the realtor. I guess you can look at it as Natalie's high school years.

tammy said...

WOW, what a whirlwind few days!!!! Congrats. on finding a new home and good luck selling--I hope the market is picking up so ours can sell quickly.
You can tell Maggie that Michaela and Emma will STILL be in school when she begins her new year--with another week to go!!! The breaks throughout the year are great!!

Have a great move.

The Scott Family said...

Glad you guys found a place. I'm sure you are relieved to have that part out of the way. We will miss you guys!!

Jim, Holly and Abby said...

So, what is the official moving date?

The Scott Family said...

ok...I hate the "days till moving" thing!! :(

Darren, Mandi, Carson & Ava said...

Happy about the new house....Sad that you have to go live in it