Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Texas Christmas

This year we made the drive to Austin to spend Christmas with my family. We went through Kansas City for a Christmas dinner with Jeff's family and to drop off the dog. Oh... the joys (not really) of having a dog. We enjoyed our time with both families and the kids really enjoyed being with their cousins. Jeff and I even got away for a couple of days down to San Antonio and a HUGE thank you to my family for keeping the kids while we were down there. The kids all were happy with what was left under the tree but most especially, just being together. We hope everyone enjoyed the holidays with family and friends and have a blessed upcoming 2009. **Lots more pictures in the Texas Xmas '08 link**

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Krysta's Day!!

Hmmm... where have the last 19 years gone? Happy Birthday Krysta!! Hope it's a great year for you. :)

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

We had a nice Thanksgiving weekend with Krysta being in town. Some of Jeff's family was also able to be with us on Turkey Day and we enjoyed lots of food, playing games and just being together. We woke up to our first St. Louis snow on Sunday morning and Jake was thrilled to be able to go out and play in it. We hope all of our friends and family had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Jake!!

I don't remember any of my girls being as excited as Jake is to turn 5. In his mind, for some reason that I don't know, this is a big one!! For the last couple of days he keeps saying, "I can't believe I will be 5!" So... first thing this morning the words out of his mouth were, "Mommy... I'm 5 today!" And he has proceeded to tell that to anyone who he is in contact with. Yes, my baby is 5 years old today. It makes me a little sad to see him growing up. We had his birthday party over the weekend with a pirate theme. We had a treasure hunt that included walking the plank, pin the patch on the pirate, crawling through a tunnel, treasure toss game, jumping in a bouncy house and then finally finding the treasure which was a pinata. Overall it went well but I'm glad it is over. Happy 5th Birthday Jake! We love you.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Let this be a lesson...

Well, I have finally gotten a treadmill... and of course, right away... there is an injury. When mom's away... the children will play. Jake, under Natalie's supervision, decided he wanted to go faster and Natalie thought, or actually really didn't, okay!! So... she proceeds to push the speed up and even though I did not witness it, Jake fell flat and went flying! It really could have have been much worse, but I did not think the crying would ever stop.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Day After the Election

The Day After the Election

The day after the election, regardless of who wins:
Jesus will still be King.

Our responsibilities as Christians will not have changed one iota.

The greatest agent for social change in America will still be winning the hearts and minds of men and women through the gospel, not legislation.

My primary citizenship will still be in this order – (1) the Kingdom of God, (2) America, not vice-versa.

The tomb will still be empty.

The cross, not the government, will still be our salvation.
Our children will still be more concerned with whether or not we spend time with them than with who is President.

My neighbor will still be my neighbor, and loving him/her will still be the second greatest commandment.

The only way to see abortion ultimately overturned will still be winning men and women to a high view of life through the gospel of Christ.

The only way to see gay marriage ultimately defeated will still be winning men and women to a biblical view of marriage through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

My retirement will still not match my treasure in Heaven.
“Jesus Is Lord” will still be the greatest truth in the Universe.

We will still know that God is in control.
From Wyman Richardson

Monday, November 3, 2008

Quick Trip to KC

Maggie holding her new cousin Brady.

Jake's mohawk! He's been wanting one and Uncle JJ obliged! Don't worry... it was buzzed off the next morning.

Grandma Great with 6 of her great grandkids.

Jake & Mason on their way to their first NFL football game.

Jake, Jeff, Natalie, Mason & JJ ready for the game!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat?

Halloween with Friends
Happy Halloween
The Red Power Ranger
Sweet Wicked Witch
The Joker!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Maggie turns 10!!

Today is Maggie's birthday, but we celebrated last weekend when I took her and a few of her school friends to see High School Musical 3. She had a fun time with her friends and we will do our family celebration tonight. Happy Birthday Miss Mags!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Fall Break in the 'Nati

The girls were off for Fall Break this past week... Maggie has been off for 3 weeks for her cycle break... so we loaded up the van and headed to Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky to spend time with our friends. We stayed on the go most of the time. Michelle was able to attend the Ladies Retreat one night, we went to Fear Fest at Kings Island, all the kids got to spend the night out with friends from either church or school, Maggie and her best friend LeeAnn got their ears pierced and she even got to go to her old school and spend half a day with what would have been her 4th grade class, Jeff stayed busy working during the week, Jake loved the hot tub at the hotel and it wouldn't be a trip unless someone gets sick which is what happened with Jake who got strep throat right away. Thankfully, I was able to get him in to our former pediatrician and get meds going for him. It was great getting to be with friends and get away for a few days. We just wish Krysta could have been with us. We miss everyone terribly but hope to be back in that area for good in a couple of years. **More pictures in a Fall Break Shutterfly album to the right.**

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Missing Krysta

Krysta is doing well and staying busy in Florida. If she's not studying, she's running cross country. I think the first month was more of an adjustment than she realized it would be, but hopefully she is in a routine now and enjoying college life. Here are a few pictures from cross country fun... two taken at Daytona Beach after their meet, nice and early this morning. We can't wait til we get to see her on Christmas Break. We miss you Krysta!! Love you!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Coach Stands Corrected

Actually... it would be the Assistant Coach of Jake's Soccer team. Just had to share this funny (at least his mom thinks so) moment. After making his third goal today and running over to the sidelines, Jake's asst. coach all nice and pumping the kids up says, "Way to go Jake! You made two goals!" To which Jake high fives him and says, "Actually, I made free" and holds up three fingers. His team won 10-1 today... but we don't keep score. ;)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Soccer Saturday's Begin

This is where we will be spending our Saturday's for the next couple of months... the soccer field. Jake's team is the Sharks and it's very basic... no refs, no keeping score... just aiming the kids towards the right goal and pretty much just hoping your kid gets the hang of it and has fun. Jake's game was at 1:00 today and he was in his uniform as soon as he got out of bed today. It was all he could talk about until time to leave... he was so excited. For awhile Jake only seemed interested in us and if we were watching him so he focused more on us on the sidelines than he did on the game itself. But, as the game progressed he started getting the hang of it and did get two goals. Thankfully... the games only last an hour. Maggie spent her morning at a cheerleading clinic with one of the local high school squads. She will get to perform at halftime with all the girls at the next home football game.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Jake's last year of Pre School

One excited little boy... ready to go to school!

Jake's new back pack. He chose Star Wars over Spiderman or Batman because this is the game he plays on his friends Wii.

Jake making friends and sitting on his letter mat.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Weekend with Family & Friends

We hope everyone had a nice, enjoyable long weekend. Jeff's sister Angie and her husband Dallas were in town so we were happy to get to visit with them. The kids had fun spending the night with friends, swimming, riding 4 wheelers, watching movies, and playing video games as the summer starts coming to an end.

Angie, Dallas & the Pack
Jake with his buddies Turner & Trey
Maggie & her friend Taylor

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Who needs a pool??

One of the biggest adjustments for the kids since the move has been not having access to a pool like we did in Kentucky. Especially for Jake since he's the one who is home all day while the girls are in school. He does enjoy taking baths and when I walked in to check on him the other day, this is what I found. Jake in his goggles and swim trunks swimming and splashing and making the best of the situation. He's also been totally into the Olympics, especially the swimming and all the attention on the amazing Michael Phelps.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Krysta's Move to Tampa

We had a good, and busy trip to Tampa while moving Krysta into her dorm. She and Jeff drove and before they were even out of St. Louis, she had car trouble. Thankfully, they were able to get to a dealer and get what was wrong fixed and thankfully, at the expense of the dealership who had just put in new brakes and had done it wrong. Nice!!

I think the most noticeable change for Krysta was the HUMIDITY as she got out of her car. Welcome to Florida is all I can say about that. It was good getting to see a few families from back in Cincinnati and since Tampa is home for me, it's always a good time to see old FL friends from church and on the campus.

Jeff & I finally got out to a movie (kid free) and saw The Dark Knight. We also squeezed in a pre-season Tampa Bay Bucs game that was great to watch. I went out and visited my grandmother and aunt and had fun doing some last minute shopping for Krysta and picking up souvenirs for the three back at home.

Of course, it wouldn't be natural to move into the dorms without the threat of a hurricane and that's just what we got... Fay!! But, we got out Monday night and turns out, the hurricane never even got near Tampa... of course!!

Another big thanks to my parents for coming and helping out with the kids while we were gone. They had fun taking them to the Arch and going out to eat. Also, they got more boxes emptied for us and got some little jobs done for us and that was nice to come home to.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

There She Goes...

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Krysta packed and loaded up her car today to head to Tampa, Florida for first year in college. Do we really have a daughter going to college? We have enjoyed having Krysta with us this last month in St. Louis... we actually got to see her and spend time with her since she wasn't working. And, we think she enjoyed the time off for a few weeks to sleep in... watch movies... and just chill before she has to get serious again with her studies, etc. A HUGE thank you to GranC and Granddaddy Mike for coming in from Texas to help with the other kiddos while we are gone helping Krysta get moved in.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Nat!

Today Natalie turns 14 years old and it is also her first day of High School. I think I've posted before how much Natalie DOES NOT like school. So, to have her first day in High School, in a new area, on her birthday... well... let's just say she was less than thrilled to be waking up at 6 a.m. to catch the bus at 6:40. We had a little celebration for her over the weekend with some of her friends that she knows from the Ohio camp who live nearby. Tonight, we will take her out for dinner for a family celebration. Happy Birthday Nat! We love you!