Thursday, May 12, 2011

This Girl....

This girl is my firstborn... and was my little buddy when I needed one. I am a Florida girl, born and raised... and when this girl was two, her daddy got a job that moved us north, to Cincinnati, Ohio and I had no idea what living in an area that would actually have seasons and have snow and at times very cold temperatures would be like. I had no idea what it would be like to live away from family because I had never lived more than five minutes away from my mom and dad. But, this girls dad got a job with Procter & Gamble, so off we moved to the great unknown. And let me say, it was the best thing we did. The three of us learned change and unknown together and when this girls daddy went off to his job, I can remember watching him drive off and during the day, me and this girl were on our own.
This girl became a big sister the first time when she was five years old, then again at 9, and then surprisingly again at 14. There has been some typical sibling rivalries and fights along the way... but at the end of the day, this girl has been a great big sister.
Because of this girls daddy's job, she has moved four times and move number five brought her full circle when she moved back to Florida, where she was born, to attend college. Moving has its ups and downs. One of the ups is the friends and memories you make along the way, and this girl has made many lifelong friends. No doubt, Louisiana friends will always hold a special place in her heart. And her Ohio/Kentucky friends are some of her best! Not to mention, this really great guy who came into her life over two years ago.
This girl has done well in her 21 years. Since she is my firstborn, I have learned along the way with her. I suppose as I look back, there are things I might do differently. But, this girl has been away from home for three years now and as I watch her, I know that her daddy and I did a pretty good job. She has worked since she was 15 (almost 16) and this last year of college has been able to hold down a waitressing job, while finishing up her Bachelors degree in Business, graduating with honors and working hard for every A she got. This girl is going to have an internship with the Girl Scouts this summer and then... well, we will put our trust and faith in God, and pray this girl will be able to get a job in the "real world".
And even though she will always be "this girl" to me, she has grown into a beautiful lady on the inside as well as on the outside and I couldn't be more proud. Best wishes to this girl, Krysta Lauren, as she begins this next phase of her life. I am thankful that God gave me this girl... I have truly been blessed.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Baseball Care Package

Our family loves Baseball. We love football and basketball too, but there's just something about the crack of a bat, being at a stadium and enjoying a baseball game. Here's the thing... our family is a house divided... with all sports teams. We have lived in five states and all of us are fans of different teams. Because we have lived in Cincinnati for the majority of our time since having children, we became Cincinnati Reds fans... until almost three years ago when we moved to St. Louis, and the head of the house and my little man, became Cards fans! The girls and I have remained loyal to the Reds. Krysta, our oldest who lives in Tampa now, is a fan of a few teams. Reds first and foremost, then the Tampa Bay Rays and her all time favorite player is Josh Hamiton of the Texas Rangers. I LOVE... love, love, love to put care packages together for Krysta. I wish I could do one every week for her, but the cost of shipping is ridiculous, so every few months (usually a holiday) I send her and some of her friends essentials that she needs, snacks of different kinds, gift cards, holiday decorations, etc. So...I decided to surprise her with an Opening Day care package filled with baseball goodies. I got a text this morning from her that said, "COOLEST PACKAGE EVER!!!!" Made me smile. So... here's to a great baseball season for the Reds! oh and maybe the Cards... or Rays... or Rangers... or whatever team you are pulling for.
Care package in the making... Snickerdoodle White Chocolate Popcorn & White Chocolate Popcorn... Yumminess!!
The finished product: Peanuts, Cracker Jacks, Yummy Popcorn, Baseball Fun Facts, Reds schedule and plates, Baseball tin pails filled with baseball cards and snacks. :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring Snow Shower

A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water. ~Carl Reiner (Especially at the end of March... michelle woolf)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Welcome Spring...

... hoping you will stay around for a bit. :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Break 2011

We usually go to Florida...last year it was Orlando and the past few years before that we went to Destin and enjoyed the beautiful beach. This year, because of some other trips coming up that we are taking... we opted for a long weekend in Cincinnati. We spent the first part of the week here in STL and on the first morning, this is what we woke up to...

Thankfully, it warmed up within the next day and melted... because we ARE OVER IT!!!
We did have a quick trip to Cincinnati... spent time with friends and went to the zoo. A visit to Cincy always go by too fast for me... hope to be back for good one of these days.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Hello? Anyone there?

I haven't blogged in so very long... I wonder if anyone even looks on here anymore. Ever since I started doing facebook, just seems like there isn't a point to blogging. But, I do enjoy getting on here from time to time and looking through the last few years... where we were then and where we are now... and wondering what lies in store for us in the future.
At this time... Krysta is in her third year of college... finishing up her business degree in three years instead of four! If all falls into place... she will be graduating in May. She has gone above and beyond as always in her academics, working part time and becoming the sweet, young lady I knew she we turn out to be.
Natalie, is a junior in high school... having a great semester academically... and as strong willed as ever. :) In the process of looking for a part time job and needing her own spending money.
Maggie is a busy girl... still playing piano, playing basketball, and loving anything and everything about Justin Bieber. She definitely has Bieber Fever!
Jake is in first grade and if you asked him he would tell you he is not a fan of going to school. But, he is doing great and has changed so much this winter. Longer hair, lost several teeth... just growing up and being the boy that he is. He gave basketball a shot and did well, but his love is baseball and he is very excited that baseball is just around the corner and practice will be starting soon.
This has been a long winter... kids missed 10 days because of snow or ice and will be making that up. I was lucky enough to go surprise my bestest friend Sandy for her 40th birthday at the end of January and then got to see her and lots of friends just a few weeks later for a 20 year reunion in Tampa. Was a nice get away with some warmer temperatures and being with such a fun group of girls!!
Jeff is looking forward to warmer temps here so he can get back into his bike riding.
Wow... I haven't done this in so long... I'll have to refresh my memory on posting a few pics. Until next time... hopefully it won't be too long.